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NoteCaddy Variables

Modified on 2013/05/21 19:04 by Administrator Categorized as Uncategorized
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Variables can be inserted into your note description to get more dynamic output. Variables are case sensitive. When you use a variable in your description, the actual value is inserted into where you had put the variable. Make sure to specify that the player showed down if you are trying to print ranges. VARIABLES THAT END WITH THE WORD RANGE WILL PRINT VALUES ON TO A SINGLE LINE. For example $flopboardrange could print {A73ss, K63sss}. Variables that do not end with the word range will create a different note for each value. For example, if you use $pfposition, it would create a separate note for each position.

  • $pfposition - This will print the position of the player (example: small blind, under the gun)
  • $stacksize - Prints the stack size of the player (example: 1-5 bbs, 6-8 bbs)
  • $cards - Shows the hole cards of the player. Each hole card combo will create a new note if you use this
  • $cardrange - Displays the range of cards a player had over all the hands that were used to create the note. Unlike the $cards variable, this will keep everything on a single line.
  • $enemycardrange - Prints the range of cards that the enemy of a player ended up showing down in the hands that were used to create the note
  • $enemypfposition - Shows the range of positions that the enemy of a player were in during the hands that were used to create the note
  • $pfaction - If you use this, it will create a new note for each of the different actions a player could perform pre flop. Since there are many possible pre flop actions, you may want to consider using output customization in conjunction with this to prevent too many notes
  • $pfactionrange - This will print all pre flop actions that a player performed in the hands that were used to generate this note.
  • $pfraiseinbigblinds - To be used only in notes were a pre flop action are required, this variable will split the note by the amount of big blinds a player open raised to.
  • $flopboard - This will create a new note for each flop that was seen in the hands that created the note. In most cases it is recommended to use $flopboardrange as that will keep all the values in a single note
  • $flopboardrange - All the flops seen in the hands used to create this note
  • $flophand - One per note; the flop hand that a player had (example: top pair, flush draw)
  • $flophandrange - Combines a player's observed range of flop hands into a single note
  • $flopaction - The action(s) performed on the flop by a player
  • $flopactionrange - All of the actions performed by a player in the hands used to create a note.
  • $flopbetaspotfraction - Shows the flop bet size of a player as a fraction. This should be used in conjunction with a filter saying a player must have bet the flop. It is broken up into approximations: 1/4 (less than 40% pot), 1/2 (40% to 70% pot), 3/4 (70-90% pot), full (90-100% pot), and over (greater than 100% pot). If you need more specific fractions, then you should use action sequences with pot bet ratio filtering and write it as a fraction into the definition's description.
  • $turnboard - Same as $flopboard but for the turn
  • $turnboardrange - Same as $flopboardrange but for the turn
  • $turnhand - Same as $flophand but for the turn
  • $turnhandrange - Same as $flophandrange but for the turn
  • $turnaction - Same as $flopaction but for the turn
  • $turnactionrange - Same as $flopactionrange but for the turn
  • $turnbetaspotfraction - Same as $flopbetaspotfraction but for the turn
  • $riverboard - Same as $flopboard but for the river
  • $riverboardrange - Same as $flopboardrange but for the river
  • $riverhand - Same as $flophand but for the river
  • $riverhandrange - Same as $flophandrange but for the river
  • $riveraction - Same as $flopaction but for the river
  • $riveractionrange - Same as $flopactionrange but for the river
  • $riverbetaspotfraction - Same as $flopbetaspotfraction but for the river
  • $gamesize - will show if this is heads up, 6 max, or full ring
  • $playersdealtin - shows the exact number of players dealt into a hand
  • $effectivestack - Shows the minimum stack size of all players still in the hand when this player acted for the first time pre flop
  • $flopeffectivestack - Shows the minimum stack size of all players who saw the flop
  • $turneffectivestack - Shows the minimum stack size of all players who saw the turn
  • $rivereffectivestack - Shows the minimum stack size of all players who saw the river
  • $bigblind - Shows the size of the big blind
  • $flopposition - Shows whether a player was in position or out of position when he saw the flop
  • $successversusaverage - Compares a players success/opportunities to that of the whole player pool. For example, if you have a note on continuation betting and a player has the value +30%, it means he continuation bets 30% more often than average
  • $strengthversusaverage - Compares the average strength of a player's hand versus the player pool. This variable must be used in conjunction with exactly one of the following: $cardrange, $flophandrange, $turnhandrange, $riverhandrange as well as the CaddySpark graph. For exmaple, if you make a note definition about continuation betting, a value of -30% means this player has shown cards that are 30% weaker than average.
  • $winrateversusaverage - Compares the amount of money a player won in the hands that created a note versus the average amount won by the player pool in all the hands that were used to create this note across all players. This will show a percentage
  • $definitionversusstat - Compares the success/opportunity percentage of this note to the % of a stat which can be chosen on the advanced tab in the note definition editor.
  • $definitionversusdefinition - Compares the success/opportunity percentage of this note to the success/opportunity of a different definition which can be chosen on the advanced tab in the note definition editor.
  • $averagestrength - Prints a value that shows the player's average strength for this note. See NoteCaddy General Strength for more details. Must be used in conjunction with $cardrange, $flophandrange, $turnhandrange, or $riverhandrange as well as the CaddySpark graph
  • $winorlose - Prints a value that states whether a player won, lost, or split the pot for this note
  • $successpercent - Prints the success percentage (instances * 100 / opportunities) that is also shown at the end of a note. This is often times more easy to read when shown earlier in the note

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