The definition digest is a directory of all the default definitions. There are only 68 that come preloaded with HM2. There are many more that can be downloaded from the digest.
Accessing the digest via the Application
You can access the digest from within NoteCaddy by clicking tools->definition digest. It will look like the below screenshot

Selecting any of the check boxes will filter the visible definitions. Multiple check boxes can be selected. Having none of the check boxes selected will show all of the definitions. Clicking "add" for a definition creates a
Pending Task that will then create notes for the definition.
Definitions will not appear in the digest list if they are already part of your note collection. This is true even if they are set as inactive. If you think a note should appear in the digest but doesn't, check to see if you already have it. If you modified a default definition, it might not appear in the list even if you renamed it. This is because each definition has a unique ID and renaming a definition does not change that. If this is the case, you can access the digest from the web.
Accessing the digest via the web
You can access the definition digest via the web as well
definition digest. Here you can browse definitions using the same filtering as exists in the application. It is easier to add definitions via the application itself but if you're using the web version, you can
import the definitions